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Monday, October 27, 2008

Cold Calling For Jobs

When hunting for a job, after first few weeks of sending out resumes and posting on job boards, people often feel like there is more they should be 223 rifle ammunition Getting an interview Military Combat Loads and Rounds Types todays tight job market is difficult and you may need to pull out some old-time methods to help you get a good job.

You might ask what else can I do to get a job and the answer would be to do anything and everything possible to help yourself get a job. One method of job searching that has fallen by the wayside in light of the Internet age is cold calling companies to see if they are hiring.

As most of us know, companies who want to fill positions will initially try to fill in-house (even though they will post the job publicly). Secondly, they will try to fill positions through referrals from employees. Finally, they may or may not post jobs on one of the larger job boards.

Some companies today still do not post the majority of their open positions on job boards and will 308 rifle ammunition try to fill it in-house, through referrals or by posting on the companys web site.

In light of this, it is up to you and I to try any method possible to get a foot in the door. When you start considering cold calling companies for open positions, you first should prepare yourself for rejection. I suggest calling smaller companies within a 30 mile radius of home in the hopes that they do not have the hiring and advertising budgets that some of the bigger companies do and will be glad to look at your resume or even talk to you.

I spoke with a friend who was laid off after the 9/11 tragedy and was out of work for almost six months until 5.56 brass cases and ammo started calling the smaller software companies in the area to see if they needed help. Out of the blue, he called a local company that turned out to be owned by someone he went to Jr. High School with and he was able to secure a job with that company.

So, while not necessarily the best way to find a job, cold calling for open positions can sometimes lead you to discover relationships with companies that you never imagined possible. So, if your job search did not score you that big job in the first few weeks, dont be afraid to pick up the phone and start making some calls. You never know, it might pay off.

Scott Brown is the author of the Search Handbook (http://www.JobSearchHandbook.com). As editor of the HireSites.com weekly newsletter on job searching, Scott has written many articles on the subject. He wrote the Job Search Handbook to provide job seekers with a complete yet easy to use guide to finding a job effectively. To download your own free copy of the Job Search Handbook, visit http://www.JobSearchHandbook.com.

Advice On Finding Hunting Binoculars

If you are Military Combat Loads hunter, you have to have binoculars. Though your eyes may be good .499 Cases your aim may be wonderful, there are still times when these come in very handy. 5.56 Brass Cases may be able to see what is nearby, but wouldnt it be great to see what might be coming your way long before it comes Silver State Ammunition the range of normal eye site? My father is a hunter, and he wont go out into the woods without his hunting binoculars. Last year I bought 7.62x51 mm ammunition and military rounds a new pair for Christmas because he had had the same pair forever, and he said he really appreciated the new and improved brand that we bought for him.

You can buy hunting binoculars in all types of strength. Some magnify only 20 times, and some go much higher. It depends on where you hunt and what type of game you usually are looking for while out. If you hunt in an area that has a lot of hills and deep forest, you might not need something that is very strong, however, that is up to you. If you hunt in wide open spaces, you definitely want something that is super strong so you can see as far as you need to see.

They also make hunting binoculars that have a feature to keep them steady. If you have ever tried to look at something that is a long ways away by looking through hunting binoculars, you know that things can be quite shaky no matter how steady you try to hold them. There are some that come with protection from this type of shaking. They arent perfect, but they can help you stay steady when you are searching far off into the distance.

You can find hunting binoculars in outdoor and sports stores, and you can also find them online. Though you cant try them out online, you may find better prices that way. You could even go to a store and see what you like, and then see if you can find a better price online. A good set of hunting binoculars is going to be expensive, so taking some time to find the best brand for the best price is always a great idea. Just be sure to find a company that has a return policy if you order online just incase they arrive broken or you dont get the model you ordered.

Peter Curtis is a keen hunter and loves writing about it too. More information about Hunting equipment or the more general Hunting and Fishing Articles